LUFFT Weather Pillar from FRISCHER selected for product short list “manufactured product of the year 2015”

The association “Verband Deutsche Manufakturen e. V.” awarded for the second time this year the awards “manufactory of the year” as well as “manufactured product of the year” (titles are given for consumer goods and food products) with a belonging product short list. The award is given to get people interested in around 500 manufactories and their produced fine goods.

The jury was containing representatives from well known manufactories who voted in a writen and sectret election. The “LUFFT Weather Pillar” produced by FISCHER was set to the product short list for consumer goods.

The award cerenomy was held on April 23rd 2015 at Direktorenhaus in Berlin while the seventh “Forum for the future of German manufacturies”.


Deutsche Manufakturen e. V.
Kirchweg 200 | 28199 Bremen | Germany
Tel. +49 421 55 90 6-20

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